Self-care tips for self-employed

The self-employed often work very independently, which means not only more freedom but also greater responsibility for both work and personal well-being. A self-employed person working remotely should therefore pay attention to at least the following points in their work environment and working days:

1. Draw a clear line between working time and leisure time! Also, plan your breaks in advance and stick to them, as your body and mind need movement.

2. Pay attention to the safety of work area equipment and the placement of equipment and furniture, as well as lighting, temperature and air quality.

3. Arrange a work space for yourself where you get enough peace to work. Whenever possible, vary the work environment and working position and take care of ergonomics and a good working position while sitting, standing or on the road. Good instructions and pictures for workstation settings and working position can be found here (in Finnish)  

4. Consider potential cyber security risks and talk about them with your client if necessary. Read more here

5. Keep in touch with potential partners, the client and colleagues and meet people outside home (at work and / or in your free time).

6. Inform the client about your various questions, needs and wishes in good time.

7. Share a workspace, collaborate on projects and network with other self-employed people, for example, to improve community spirit.

8. Do not work sick.

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